The official journal of the North Eastern Car Club Inc.

Khanacross – Sunday, April 30

Our popular khanacross series is back for 2023 with a six-round series commencing on the last weekend in April.


Ray Wingrave will again take the director’s reins with the events being held on the grassy surface at the Carboor Recreation Reserve.


After a 9 am book-in and registration, the competition will get underway at 10 am with drivers expected to get six runs of the track on the day.


Drivers from 12 years of age are able to compete, with all drivers under the age of 18 required to have a licenced driver as a passenger.


Club membership and competition licences will be available on the day, but for further information in the lead-up to the first round, contact Ray Wingrave on ‭0403 932 515‬.


70th anniversary celebrations

A ticket to the evening includes a delicious 3-course dinner at the Grand Oaks Function Room at the Wangaratta Turf Club, entertainment from our MC, Paul Zsidy, and our guest speaker Matt Bryson. 


Tickets can be purchased by clicking the link here:

Track Day for NECC members

Do you want to get your road, track or rally car onto the circuit for a fun day of motorsport? 

If you said yes, then our track day at the Logic Centre (Barnawartha) is just what you need.

The day is being run by the successful TrackSchool company, which holds many of these events nationwide throughout the year. 

For their event on Sunday, May 21, NECC members will receive a $20 discount off their entry fee when they use the code ‘NECC21MAY’ when submitting the online entry.

Full details on the event can be found at the TrackSchool website, where you can also enter:

This is not an official NECC event, but it would be great to see as many members taking part as possible, so that we may conduct further days in the future.

So, grab your helmet, fill your car with fuel and we’ll see you at the Logic Centre on May 21.

Kelly Run – Sunday, May 7 @ 9.00 am

Enjoy a drive through ‘Ned Kelly Country’ visiting spots frequented by the famous bushranger, Ned Kelly.


The drive starts at Apex Park in Wangaratta and will visit locations including the siege site in Glenrowan, the Greta cemetery and sports ground, before lunch at the Tatong Pub.


After lunch, you’ll drive to Benalla, before the drive finishes with coffee and cake at the Winton Wetlands cafe.


The route is fully bitumen so all types of vehicles are welcome to participate.


For register your interest, please contact the director, Terry Godde, on 0412 805 065.

Vale: Joshua Dowel, 2000 – 2023

The North Eastern Car Club was shocked and saddened to learn of the passing of our much-loved member, competitor and friend, Josh Dowell, on March 19.

A regular winner in our club’s khanacross events, Josh was a former winner of the Khanacross Championship and was a highly-competitive race driver on the track, most recently competing in the Thunder Sports series.

Always with a big smile and a sparkle in his big blue eyes, Josh was a shining light at NECC events and his loss will be felt by all of us for years to come.

Josh’s current plans were to re-shell his much-loved Ford Falcon AU for the second half of the 2023 race season, while also entering in NECC events in his new ‘weapon of choice’ – a six-cylinder Ford Cougar.

A qualified mechanic, Josh was working at Full Bore Quarry Services, a company that was also supporting his racing efforts.

Josh lost his life in a motorcycle accident near Eldorado.

A service of remembrance was held in his honour on the main straight at Winton Motor Raceway, with an estimated attendance of 1000 people.

The NECC sends is heartfelt condolences to Josh’s parents Troy and Kylie, his sisters Chloe and Tamzyn, and his partner Eliza.

Rest in peace mate.

Precision Airmotive tour report

On the evening of April 5, NECC members and friends (about 40 in all) paid a visit to Precision Airmotive Wangaratta, located in a huge hanger at the Wangaratta airport. 


The business was originally known as Wangaratta AirWorld but after purchasing it, new owners Doug Hamilton and his partner Louise Harper, renamed it to the above. Doug is an old (sorry Doug) hand at flying, having gained his pilot’s licence as a teenager and has progressed over the years to be one of only a few pilots in Australia licensed to fly the old warbirds, the name now attributed to old fighter aeroplanes. 


His own collection of aeroplanes includes a Kittyhawk, a Mustang and a Harvard, all of which are airworthy and flown regularly. 


The business restores old fighter aeroplanes, with the core business being the restoration and maintenance of Kittyhawk planes. Although the business has the capability to manufacture a complete Kittyhawk, they prefer to restore ones that have a history as a fighter plane. 


Most replacement parts are made on site from details on original drawings (also held on site). Whilst some of the processes of the manufacture of parts and construction methods are still as they were about 80 years ago when the planes were originally built, mainly modern methods such as cad drafting and CNC machining are used, both speeding up construction and producing closer tolerances. 


The one big item that is sourced externally is the big (around 27 litre) V12 motor which powers these planes. Generally from the USA, these motors are normally reconditioned and ready for use. Nobody manufactures completely new motors. Motor reconditioning is not undertaken on site. 


Doug, Lou (Louise) and a couple of their staff provided a comprehensive tour of the whole operation, answering all questions fully and frankly. The construction of a complete plane can take up to about 18 months, with a restoration a bit less depending on other projects going on around it. 


Some of the planes being restored have been retrieved from the Pacific Islands where they crashed after being shot down by enemy aircraft. The retrieved remains form an initial start to the restoration, although often only a small proportion of what has been retrieved can be reused. 


The other factor which affects completion times is the available of funds the client has access to. The restoration of one of these planes is a very costly business and often is carried out in stages as the client’s funds allow.


After reading a small piece I prepared for a recent Good Oil, Lou contacted the club and offered the tour. Lou has a Morris Minor on club plates which is kept on site amongst the various aeroplanes. Following the offer, John Bell (our social secretary) and Lou had several meetings to bring the arrangements together. 


Both Doug and Lou have been members of our club for some years and Doug has an Indian Chief motorcycle which is destined for the club permit scheme sometime in the future. 

At the completion of the tour club President, Peter, thanked Doug and Lou and their staff for the tour and also John Bell for helping put it all together. 





Brad Jones Racing Tour

A huge opportunity to check out Gen 3 Supercars at Brad Jones Racing.

We have arranged a 57-seat coach that will depart Warrena Park car park, Swan St, Wangaratta at 6 pm, and depart NECC Clubrooms at 6:30 pm. It will also collect at Carraragarmungee School at 6:45 pm.

We will arrive at BJR around 7.45 pm for our exclusive tour of their facilities, before returning home around 10.00pm.

This will be a fantastic night, and we’re grateful to the team at BJR for allowing us to visit their factory.

Costs:  NECC Members $20, Non-Members $25.

For more information call John Bell on 0400 863 334.

Autumn Glory Tour of North East Victoria

A new touring event in the region, the Autumn Glory Tour, will run from Friday, May 5 to Sunday May 7, with options to participate for any one, two or all three days.

Organisers Tom and Steuart Snooks encourage bringing any car you like and choosing to join the Observation Tour, Navigation Assembly (using old maps) or the Social Run (non-competitive).

Friday visits the famous autumn colours of Bright, Mt Beauty and Beechworth, while Saturday features the panoramic scenery of the Upper Murray, including a foray into NSW and the town of Tumbarumba. 

The Tour’s showpiece day is the Sunday when you’ll tour the length of the Great River Road – as far along the Murray River as bitumen will allow. 

A Guide to the Event is now available on the website at

For further information, contact Steuart Snooks on 0413 830 772.

Membership update

Hello All,

It’s been a busy couple of weeks with not only memberships but organising our 70th Dinner Celebrations. There are a still quite a few memberships overdue from 2022 and the start of this year, if we can get these paid that would be great!

New Members

Please join me in welcoming the following new members.

• Rebecca Naish  

• Peter Scoullar

• Kane Grimshaw


Please note if you haven’t received your membership cards OR membership invoice please contact me ASAP, there may have been some tasks not completed 100% in the handover and I’m still playing catch up. If you’re listed above as an UNPAID member and you have paid your membership, please also reach out to me.

Over the next couple of months I will be updating our membership database, so if you have a new email address, mailing address or phone number please let me know.

You can contact me on 0409 235 550 or

Until next time, safe motoring


Club Permit registrations due

MARCH 2023

Ian Day                   33721 H         30/04/23

Ron Dawson           07438 H         12/05/23

Ralph Scalzo          36774 H           16/05/23

Paul Scalzo             36771 H          13/05/23

Chris Rissmann       37735 H          8/05/23

Travers Nuttall         54440 H          4/05/23

Noel Gambold          60447 H          18/05/23

Norman Nieuwland   66435 H           11/05/23

Lane Griffin               90080 H           17/05/23

Glen O’Brian            90832 H            11/05/23

Danyon Williams       81192 H           6/05/23

Jan Harper               0364-H3           8/05/23


Kyle Oxley               76536 H          29/03/23

Phillip Tolliday          776044 H       24/03/23

Club Permit holders please note:

As of March 1, 2023, all permit renewals sent by mail should be addressed to:

North Eastern Car Club

Club Permit Officer

PO Box 138

Wangaratta Vic 3676

Please include with the renewal form a stamped self-addressed envelope and a completed vehicle condition report (download from club website).

The North Eastern Car Club meet at 7.30 pm on the first Wednesday of each month, except January, at the NECC Clubrooms, Nolan Lane, Tarrawingee, 3678.

Some meeting nights are social events, with details on these nights published in the month issues of The Good Oil, the club’s official journal.